Ecological, behavioural and genetic population divergence in damselflies
Calopteryx damselflies are widespread across Europe and display staggering intra-and interpopulation divergence in phenotype. We have been using ecological, genetic and behavioural aproaches to tease apart the relative importance of different processes.

Adaptive and non-adaptive mechanisms in damselfly radiations
Closely related damselflies often show negligible ecological differentiation yet large divergence in characters associated with reproduction. Our work investigates the strength of adaptive and non-adaptive mechanisms in damselfly radiations.

Inversion polymorphism and adaptation in seaweed flies
The photograph shows one of our field sites at the Lofoten island chain in Norway where we collect seaweed flies. Ecological data, inversion frequencies, transcriptomic and genomic data is being gathered for this project with the aim to better understand the role of inversion polymorphism in adaptation.

Adaptive radiation in triplefin fishes
New Zealand has the greatest diversity of triplefin fishes worldwide and the vast majority of the occur in sympatry. My research has looked into the ecological factors associated with speciation in this group. (Photograph: Forsterygion lapillum).

Local adaptation in marine fish
Local adaptation in the sea has long been contentious because populations are anticipated to show high connectivity, but increasing evidence of self-replenishment of local populations shows that marine adaptation is widespread. We investigate the ecological and genomic underpinnings of adaptation.

Colour polymorphism in damselflies
Ischnura elegans is a model species to investigate the evolution and maintenance of female limited colour polymorphism. Our research examines the genetic basis of colour to investigate micro-and macroevolutionary questions.